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CCPA Privacy Notice for Tuitioned

Effective Date: 5 March 2024

Understanding Your Privacy Rights

Tuitioned is committed to transparency and respecting the privacy rights of California consumers as granted under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). This Privacy Notice aims to clearly explain the types of personal information we collect, how we use it, your choices, and the rights you have under the CCPA.


● "Personal Information": Any data that can reasonably be linked to you as an individual, either directly or indirectly. This includes identifiers, educational information, internet activity, and more.
● "Sale": Under the CCPA, "sale" covers the sharing of personal information with third parties for monetary or other valuable consideration. This definition also includes certain data sharing that may be used for targeted advertising.

Your CCPA Rights

1. Right to Know:
You may request detailed information about the personal information we collect, use, disclose, and potentially "sell" (as defined by the CCPA). This includes:
■ Specific categories of information collected.
■ Sources from which we collect your information.
■ The business or commercial purposes for our collection or sharing.
■ Categories of third parties with whom we share this information.
■ The specific pieces of personal information we hold about you (upon verification).
2. Right to Delete:
You can request that we delete certain personal information we have collected from you, subject to specific exceptions outlined by the CCPA.
3. Right to Opt-Out of Sale:
You have the right to opt-out of the "sale" of your personal information as the CCPA broadly defines the term.
4. Right to Non-Discrimination::
We will not treat you differently for exercising any of your CCPA rights.

Information We Collect

We collect various categories of personal information to facilitate our online tutoring services and improve the user experience. This information may come directly from you, be generated based on your activity, or obtained from third-party sources:
● Identifiers and Contact Information: Name, email address, phone number, mailing address, IP address, student/tutor ID, payment and billing information.
● Education-Related Information: School/institution name, grade level, courses, subjects/areas needing tutoring, academic goals.
● Internet or Network Activity: Browsing activities on our website, interactions with forms and features, time spent on specific pages.
● Profile Inferences: Learning styles, preferences, strengths and weaknesses, derived from your account data and usage patterns.
● Tutor/Student-Generated Content: Session notes, feedback, assessments, communication records, materials created during tutoring sessions.

How We Use Your Information

● Service Delivery: Creating and managing accounts, matching students and tutors, scheduling and facilitating sessions, processing payments, supporting communication.
● Service Improvement: Website analytics, understanding user behavior, optimizing the platform's design and functionality.
● Personalization (With Consent): Tailoring recommendations, learning materials, and offers relevant to your interests, subject to your consent.
● Security & Compliance: Protecting our system from unauthorized access, fraud, and abuse; complying with legal and regulatory obligations.

Information Sharing

We share your information in limited circumstances to support our business operations:
● Tutors: To facilitate the services they provide on our platform.
● Service Providers: Companies that assist us with payment processing, data hosting, analytics, marketing support, and other essential functions.
● Third Parties: In situations of business transfers (merger/acquisition), legal compliance, or to protect the rights and safety of Tuitioned and its users.

Exercising Your Rights

To submit a request, please use the following link:
Verification: We implement procedures to verify your identity before fulfilling requests to protect your data.
Authorized Agents: You may appoint an authorized agent to act on your behalf; however, we will require proof of your authorization.
Contact For Questions Please contact us at: https://tuition-ed.com/contact-us/
Changes to This Notice: We may revise this Notice. The "Effective Date" will indicate the latest version.