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DMCA Policy for Tuitioned (tuition-ed.com)

Effective Date: 5 March 2024

Our Commitment to Protecting Intellectual Property

Tuitioned ("Tuitioned," "we," "us," or "our") is dedicated to upholding the intellectual property rights of our tutors, students, and all content creators using our online tuition platform. We recognize that the original educational content developed by our tutors is the cornerstone of the valuable service we provide. This DMCA Policy outlines our commitment to protecting that content and our procedures for handling allegations of copyright infringement in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

Understanding Content Ownership on Tuitioned

Our Complaint Redressal Mechanism is comprehensive, covering a wide range of issues including, but not limited to:
● Tutor-Authored Materials: Tutors retain full copyright ownership of any original lesson plans, videos, worksheets, assessments, and other educational materials they create and upload to the Tuitioned platform.
● Student-Generated Work: Students generally retain copyright ownership of the original work they produce within the context of their tutoring sessions (e.g., essays, projects, problem sets).
● Tuitioned's Limited License: To facilitate the delivery of our tutoring services, both tutors and students grant Tuitioned a limited, non-exclusive license to display, distribute, and reproduce their content as necessary to provide the contracted tutoring sessions.

Preventing Unauthorized Content Use

Tuitioned takes the following proactive measures to deter the unauthorized copying, distribution, or misuse of content found on our site:
● Watermarking: Tutor-generated materials may have subtle watermarks or digital signatures embedded to identify their origin.
● Technical Restrictions: We may implement technical safeguards, such as disabling right-click saving or copy-pasting functionalities, in specific areas of tuition-ed.com.
● Terms of Service: Both our tutor and student Terms of Service agreements explicitly prohibit the unauthorized redistribution, sharing, or sale of any content obtained through the Tuitioned platform.
● Educational Efforts: We regularly educate our users on the importance of respecting intellectual property and the potential consequences of copyright infringement.

DMCA Compliance and Takedown Notices

We strictly adhere to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) in handling alleged copyright infringements. If you believe your copyright-protected work has been made available on tuition-ed.com without your authorization, please submit a DMCA takedown notice containing ALL of the following information to our Designated DMCA Agent:
● Detailed identification: Describe the specific copyrighted work(s) you believe are being infringed, including URLs or sufficient details to locate the material on tuition-ed.com.
● Proof of Ownership: Provide evidence demonstrating your copyright ownership, such as registration certificates or creation dates.
● Your Contact Information: Full name, address, telephone number, and email address.
● Statements of Good Faith and Accuracy: Statements affirming your good faith belief that the use is unauthorized and that the information provided in the notice is accurate.
● Authorized Signature: Your electronic or physical signature (or an authorized representative's signature).
Send takedown notices to: contact[at]tuition-ed.com

Consequences of Copyright Infringement

● Content Removal: We will expeditiously remove or disable access to content that is the subject of a valid DMCA notice.
● Account Termination: Users who repeatedly violate our terms of service or engage in copyright infringement may have their accounts terminated.
● Legal Liability: Individuals or entities who knowingly misrepresent copyright infringement may be subject to legal liability.

Important Reminders

● Tuitioned as a Facilitator: Tuitioned serves as a platform connecting tutors and students. We cannot guarantee the absolute originality of all user-uploaded content.
● Third-Party Rights: Tutors must ensure they have the necessary rights to use any third-party materials (images, videos, texts, etc.) they incorporate into their lessons on tuition-ed.com.
● Fair Use Guidance: Tuitioned encourages tutors to familiarize themselves with fair use principles for limited educational use of copyrighted materials.

Contact Us

For any questions or concerns regarding copyright, intellectual property, or this DMCA policy, please visit https://tuition-ed.com/contact-us/.

Tuitioned values the creativity of our tutors and strives to create a respectful environment where their intellectual property rights are protected.